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What is Annual Mileage on a Car?

Published on: November 28, 2024

Annual mileage indicates the number of miles traveled throughout the year. This data is significant for every car owner to manage many aspects of their vehicle, such as insurance premiums, maintenance, and resale value. There are several factors that influence yearly mileage; some are individual factors, and external factors condition some. So, it would be good if you don’t underestimate the importance of miles driven per year. If you efficiently track and calculate it correctly, you will make car-related decisions better. So, what exactly does it mean?

In the following paragraphs, let’s break down the topic, how we can calculate it, what factors are decisive when it comes to this mileage data, what general statistics are, and what means we have to take control over the overall miles traveled.

What is annual mileage on a car?

Annual mileage on a car means the overall number of miles recorded each year. We calculate it straightforwardly with several simple steps:

  1. Record the odometer data at the beginning of the year. That mileage is what you have traveled up to that point.
  2. Check the odometer reading again after one year or at the end of the year.
  3. Subtract the starting odometer reading from the ending odometer reading.

Let’s use concrete numbers for demonstration, for example. At the start of the year, the odometer shows 20 000 miles, at the end of the year, it shows 34 000 miles. miles driven per year will be ( 34 000 – 20 000 = 14 000 miles ) 14 000 miles.
If you actively track mileage and make logs for tax deductions or other purposes, you can effortlessly calculate yearly data.

Worldwide Annual Mileage Statistics

According to Worldmetrics.org, on average, drivers cover the following distance per year:

  • America – 13,476 miles;
  • UK – 7,800 miles;
  • Canada – 12,427 miles;
  • Germany – 8,272 miles;
  • France – 7,456 miles;

Annual Mileage Statistics

What Factors do Influence Average Annual Mileage?

Geography, lifestyle, driving habits, type of vehicle (the more fuel efficient they are, the more miles they cover) , road conditions, fuel prices and economic situations, environmental concerns

Various factors influence accumulating annual mileage. Factors start from the general economic situation and continue with the geography of a particular location or an individual’s personal driving habits. The range is quite diverse. Let’s discuss them one by one.


The geographic location greatly influences the accumulation of mileage data. The difference between urban and rural areas is sometimes the main indicator that makes a difference. In urban areas, people have better access to public transport, which reduces the usage of private automobiles. In rural areas, due to the few transportation options, people actively use automobiles for commutes and services.
Climate condition is another game-changer when it comes to traveling habits in different geographic locations. In mountainous regions, winters are harsh, and weather conditions are extreme. Hence, people leave the house seldom and drive less.
Bad road condition in some areas also means that people may spend more time on the road and, therefore, accumulate more miles driven per year.

Lifestyle and driving habits

If you work remotely, your total traveled distance can be lower compared to the people who commute. Surely, it would be a mistake if we generalize the stereotype. Some remote worker travels more than average office workers. So, it depends on the individual.
Some people drive more for personal reasons, and some people choose to stay at home most of the time. People who have more outdoor hobbies tend to have higher annual mileage. Moreover, for some individuals, driving without any reason can be a relaxing hobby.

Vehicle types

Some automobiles are more fuel-efficient than others. So, it encourages the tendency to use vehicles more often. For example, the Toyota and Honda models are known as being one of the most fuel-efficient. So, if we look through the statistics of vehicles with the highest mileage, we find that cars are leaders in the ranking. According to Consumer Report’s latest survey, Toyota and Honda models are the leaders with more than 200,000 miles lifespan.

Fuel price and economic situation

As you know, fuel prices are constantly changing due to various factors. The higher the price, the more people are encouraged to use alternative modes of transportation. Lower fuel prices have the opposite effect, encouraging the usage of private cars.

Environmental concerns

Environmental pollution is one of the key issues in the 21st century. The United States Environmental Protection Agency suggests that reducing pollution from vehicles and engines is possible by driving less, wisely, using fuel efficiency, avoiding idle time, and optimizing home deliveries.
So, many people are eager to have an environmentally friendly lifestyle, which means they are environmentally conscious. They try to produce less waste, use eco-friendly products, minimize the usage of plastic, and also drive less, minimizing the usage of automobiles. Hence, it causes decreasing miles driven per year.

The impact of annual mileage on car maintenance

How much you drive yearly affects the maintenance schedule. There are particular mileage milestones when routine maintenance is necessary. Routine maintenance implies oil changes and tire and brake replacements. The most popular pattern car manufacturer recommends is known as the 30-60-90 schedule, which means that in every 30 000, 60 000, 90 000 miles, certain components need replacing.
The higher the annual mileage, the more often parts need to be replaced. On the other hand, low mileage has its own risks. Extremely low mileage leads to battery drain or oil sludging. In short, cars may suffer from mechanical problems caused by inactivity.

Low mileage vs high mileage

Let’s compare pros and cons of low and high mileage.

Low mileage


  • Better resale price: mileage is an important factor when a buyer sets the price for a used automobile. Customers are also motivated to pay more for lower-mileage automobiles because of the reliability it offers.
  • Less wear and tear: naturally, fewer miles driven per year cause less wear and tear on major components.
  • Cost-effective: less wear and tear leads to reduced maintenance expenses.


  • Mechanical problems from inactivity – idling causes some mechanical problems.
  • Potential issues/unforeseen problems—Potential issues may be hard to predict when the automobile is not used often.

High mileage


  • Updated components – it is a high probability that components are newly replaced and work smoothly.
  • Well-maintained – An automobile is reliable and long-lasting when it is maintained well.
  • Insurance discount – some insurance companies make discounts for those kind of vehicles because of their reliability and high annual mileage.


  • Lower resale price: If the odometer reading is too high, you may have trouble setting a higher price for a second-hand car.
  • Frequent maintenance: needless to say, frequent maintenance may be inevitable.
  • Potential safety issues: there is a risk of part failure. The transmission, engine, or electrical system may fail unexpectedly.

When it comes to buying a second-hand automobile, we suggest you check your odometer reading thoroughly before you make a purchase. Sometimes, odometer data is not genuine and doesn’t reflect the real picture.

How can you tell if mileage has been turned back?

You can tell mileage has been potentially turned back in the following situations:

  1. You asked for a vehicle history report, and you notice a sudden drop in mileage between two reporting points, it indicates rollback.
  2. General wear and tear doesn’t match the odometer reading.
  3. If the vehicle doesn’t have a service record with a detailed log or the buyer tries to hide it.
  4. If odometer data is low but the automobile has new tires, it is a big red flag.
  5. If you ask for documentation and the buyer can’t provide it, you could suspect that something is wrong.

Odometer fraud is a common practice that costs American buyers billions of dollars yearly. Individuals usually use different devices for that purpose. Sometimes, these devices are available on the market because they serve diagnostic purposes. However, they are used for fraudulent purposes, such as reducing miles driven per year.
In the following paragraph, we will discuss one of the advanced tools for testing the automobile.

if mileage has been turned back

What is the best testing device for stopping mileage?

A Mileage blocker from Germany is an innovative device designed to halt the mileage recording process from all control units unconditionally. The device was created for testing purposes and is not recommended for public roads.
You can purchase a mileage blocker on the Super Kilometer Filter website. The device is available for almost any maker and model. The blocker comes with easy installation instructions; if you have additional questions, feel free to message the support team.
Unfortunately, due to the undetectable performance, individuals try to use Mileage blockers maliciously to deceive potential buyers.


Annual mileage is an important indicator of various aspects of the automobile. For that reason, it’s a good idea to track it to make informed decisions about your vehicle’s maintenance, insurance, or resale in the future. Similarly, be mindful of mileage-related data even when you are a potential buyer of a used automobile; check it comprehensively to avoid potential problems in the future.

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