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How to Calculate Mileage Reimbursement 2024 and Why Should You Always Check Rates?

Published on: July 18, 2024

To calculate mileage reimbursement for 2024, you will need the total miles and the most recent reimbursement rate. In 2024, the business mileage reimbursement rate is 67 cents (0.67 dollars) per mile. Hence, multiply your traveled mileage by 0.67, and you will get the mileage reimbursement.

Mileage reimbursement is essential to compensate employees who use their vehicles for work. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulates and determines the rates annually. That’s why you should check the updated rates every year.

How to Calculate Mileage Reimbursement in 2024

To calculate mileage reimbursement, you should consider important factors such as mileage, type of reimbursement, and current rate. Here is the step-by-step guide to calculate your reimbursement correctly.

Step 1: Track Your Driven Miles

You can track your mileage with various methods. You may use odometer, mileage log, apps, or GPS systems. To make your job easier, mark your start and end points, the total mileage, and the purpose of your trip.

Step 2: Determine the Mileage Reimbursement Rate

According to the IRS, the rates vary based on the purpose of your trip. For example, the business reimbursement rate in 2024 is 67 cents per mile, while for medical or moving purposes, it is 24 cents and 14 cents for service for charitable organizations.

Step 3: Calculate the Reimbursement Amount

To calculate the mileage reimbursement rate for 2024, use the formula:
Mileage Reimbursement Amount = Total Miles x Reimbursement Rate.
In order to find out your reimbursement amount, you should multiply the total traveled miles by the reimbursement rate. For example, if you drove 500 miles for business, the rate is 67 cents per mile. Hence, the reimbursement would be 500 miles x 0.67 dollars = 337 dollars.
However, if the trip were for medical purposes, the rate would be 24 cents per mile. Therefore, the compensation would be 500 miles x 0.24 dollars = 120 dollars.
For charitable organizations, the reimbursement rate would be 14 cents per mile. Consequently, you would receive 500 miles x 0.14 dollars = 70 dollars as compensation.

Calculate the Reimbursement

Fixed and Variable Rate (FAVR) Method

What is FAVR? Fixed and variable rate, commonly known as FAVR, is a reimbursement plan that compensates employees based on fixed and variable payments for miles. This method is commonly used as it avoids underpayment as well as overcompensation.

How does FAVR work? As the name suggests, it consists of two payments, fixed and variable. Fixed payments include the fixed costs of your vehicle, such as insurance and taxes. These expenses are added, and the percentage of the costs used for business purposes will be reimbursed.

As for the variable payments, you should add regular operating costs such as fuel and maintenance. Of course, you will be reimbursed only for the amount that was for business purposes. So, you need to do regular (usually monthly) records for reimbursement.

For instance, if you spent $3,000 in a month and half of your travel expenses were business-related costs, you may be compensated $1,500. You have to maintain a precise record of all your expenses, and you’ll be reimbursed accordingly.

What Is A Flat Rate Allowance?

A flat rate allowance is a monthly or annual stipend paid to an employee to cover the expenses of using a personal car for business. The compensation is often a fixed amount, making it easier for both employer and employee to manage.

Although a flat rate allowance is intended to cover all vehicle expenses, it has flaws. This approach is not precise and usually doesn’t correspond to a person’s actual costs. Plus, employees have to manage the expenses.

Now, let’s see how it works in practice. Assume the employer determines the flat reimbursement rate allowance of $0.6 per mile for business travel. An employee covers 2,000 miles. You should use the formula: Flat Rate Reimbursement Amount = Miles Driven x Flat Rate Allowance. In this case, the driven miles are 2,000, and the rate is 0.6 per mile. Hence, the compensation amount = 2,000 x $0,6 = $1,200.
The biggest challenge in the method is fairness. It’s hard to control and monitor an employee’s actual costs for business travel.

How to Calculate Mileage Reimbursement and What can Hinder this Process?

Having the correct information about the traveled mileage and reimbursement rates helps you determine the total compensation amount. Most of the time, your calculations are correct, and it will greatly help you understand how much the compensation can be. But here is a catch. Even though you precisely follow the steps, sometimes the final result is still not correct. But why? Here are some common mistakes that customers make that hinder the process.

  1. Incomplete records: if you didn’t record miles correctly and made the calculation based on misleading data, of course, the final results don’t show the real picture.
  2. Mixing reimbursement rates: Make sure that you correctly choose the reimbursement rate according to your travel purposes. As you already know, business, medical, and charitable use all have different rates. Therefore, each will give you different results.
  3. Rate updates: The IRS changes the rates annually. This means that current rates can change, and they won’t be useful next year. If you miss the update and don’t check the latest information, you may use the incorrect data for calculations.
  4. Submission deadlines: You should check the federal guidelines and your state rules for reimbursement. The deadlines may vary, depending on whether you live in California, New York, Florida, Texas, or another state. Follow the deadlines to avoid any forfeiture of reimbursement.

What are the Main Reasons for Hindering the Mileage Reimbursement?

Mileage blockers and rollback devices are the major challenges nowadays that can hinder mileage reimbursement calculations. Do you wonder how? People use these methods to manipulate odometers and artificially change a car’s mileage. Eventually, the vehicle will show misleading miles, and the data that you use for calculations will be wrong. Hence, your assumptions about the reimbursement won’t be correct either.

Main Reasons for Hindering the Mileage Reimbursement

What are the Differences between the Mileage Blocker and Rollback Devices?

The mileage blocker stops the distance recording process without affecting the previously recorded mileage or leaving a trace. In contrast, rollback devices modify existing miles on a car and can be easily spotted by the scanner tools.

The mileage blocker is a device that stops the mileage recording process. It makes the system ignore new mileage and doesn’t add new miles to the vehicle’s existing mileage. It should be highlighted that it doesn’t erase or remove any previously recorded miles from the system. Also, the mileage blocker doesn’t store distance-related data in the ECUs, which makes the actual mileage completely undetectable. For this reason, many people try to use these blockers unethically for fraudulent purposes.

On the other hand, rollback devices directly change a car’s mileage. They erase a specific amount of miles from the odometer. Therefore, after utilizing a rollback tool, the dashboard will display reduced mileage. However, in contrast to the mileage blocker, rollback devices can’t stop mileage recording. Hence, even though you see the modified mileage on the control panel, the actual miles are easily traceable by scanner devices.

How do People Alter Mileage?

People often try to change the current mileage in autos and display misleading data. They use various approaches:

  • Rollback Devices remove a certain amount of miles from the vehicle’s dashboard. Consequently, the dashboard will display less mileage than the car has actually covered. The major disadvantage of this tool is that the real mileage is easily detectable.
  • Reset tools remove an automobile’s recorded mileage. As a result, the system will display zero traveled distance on the instrument panel. Reset tools, like rollback devices, are traceable, and their initial mileage can be quickly determined.
  • Replacing Odometers: Individuals often replace the older odometers with new ones with lower recorded miles. After replacement, the system shows new mileage. However, This method is not the best way to change the mileage, as checking the actual mileage is still possible.

Why Is the Mileage Blocker Important?

The mileage blocker is a modern device that effectively stops distance recording in vehicles. It doesn’t remove or reset existing mileage. The blockers only prevent the system from counting up extra miles and storing the data in control units. Therefore, the original mileage is untraceable, and nobody can detect it.

The mileage blockers from SuperKilometerFilter are made of premium-quality materials in Germany. Their quality guarantees that the devices work without issues under any weather conditions. And still, why is it important? The SKF mileage blocker is designed to help professionals in car testing and tuning. The goal is to let experts work with the car without adding extra mileage while testing your vehicles. Remember, nobody should use this unethically.

The mileage blocker comes with easy installation guidelines, and you can easily install it. Plus, it has various modes, and you can choose the one that suits you the best. That’s not all! The mileage blocker is the only blocker that has its mobile app. This allows you to monitor and control the device remotely from your phone.

You can buy the mileage blocker from the SuperKilometerFilter website. If you have further questions, please reach out to the customer service department or check the support page.


Mileage reimbursement is crucial in compensating employees who use their vehicles for business purposes. Once you understand how to calculate mileage reimbursement, you will be able to determine your expenses and the compensation you are entitled to. Remember, the rates change annually, so it’s important always to stay updated.


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