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How To Check Mileage On Car – All The Tips And Tricks You Need To Know

Published on: September 7, 2021

In a world where car-related fraud has become quite widespread, it’s become crucial to know how to check mileage on car. You have to rely on yourself and do proper research before investing in a vehicle. If you’re not careful, you might end up wasting your money, and let’s face it – nobody wants to deal with such situations. That’s why it’s so important to verify whether the mileage you see on the odometer is genuine or not.

How to find car mileage? How to check genuine mileage on a car? These are just some of the questions we’ll answer today. Keep reading, and you’ll find all the information you need.

How to find car mileage?

Check the odometer on the dashboard to locate the mileage. Even though the majority of vehicles display mileage on their odometers, some models might not show that information on the dashboard. Modern cars are becoming increasingly flexible, enabling you to choose what you want to see on the panel. That’s the reason why you might not see the exact mileage on the odometer.

Of course, the ways to find the car mileage will vary from model to model. This means that you’ll have to select a different combination of buttons to access the correct numbers. For instance, you might have to press the combination of “UP” and “DOWN” buttons if you want to see the actual mileage of your Mercedes-Benz. Once you do that, you should be able to find the information you were looking for.

If you have an older car, you’ll easily find the mileage. The vehicles with analog odometers showcase the miles on the dashboard itself. So, you’ll just have to look at the instrument cluster, find a good ol’ odometer and that’s it. It’s as easy as it can get.

But what happens if the mileage has been altered? In that case, you’ll have to learn how to check original mileage of a car.

How to check genuine mileage on a car?

Checking genuine mileage on a car

Unfortunately, it’s becoming crucially important to learn how to check vehicle mileage. Unless we know how to access the real numbers, we might easily get deceived. The market of used cars is filled with vehicles that have had their mileage altered. The truth is – the odometer rollback is way more common than you might think. additionally, it will be better if you know what is a good mileage on a used automobile.

How to check how many miles a car has, then? – well, there are some manual ways to figure out the mileage of your vehicle. They aren’t as complicated as they seem. However, they do require some experimentation and a little bit of math. When you go through all the steps, you’ll be able to count the genuine mileage of your beloved car.

The easiest way to check the actual mileage of your car is to prepare for a road trip, grab some money for fuel, and a notepad (or your phone) for notes. Once you’re ready, you should go through the following steps:

  • Step 1: Fill up the tank. There’s no need to get greedy and overfill. You just need to pour as much fuel as the tank can accommodate. The main thing is to remember how many gallons of fuel you use;
  • Step 2: Reset the odometer to zero;
  • Step 3: Drive at an average speed to make sure you’re not using excessive fuel;
  • Step 4: Drive around till you reach approximately 200 miles. It’s better to take a long road trip to make sure there are no discrepancies in the final calculations;
  • Step 5: Fill up the tank once more (the same rules apply);
  • Step 6: Calculate the mileage by dividing the mileage (displayed on the odometer) by the amount of fuel you use. The result will be the genuine mileage of your vehicle.

This information will also give you an idea about the fuel efficiency of your car and help you figure out how to improve gas mileage, so you get double benefits.

How to check the original mileage of a car?

Obtaining original mileage

Now that we know how to check the mileage on a car, let’s figure out what you should do to trace the original mileage of the vehicle. By doing so, you’ll be able to understand whether you’re dealing with odometer discrepancy or not. After all, it’s always better to be cautious in the beginning than deal with fraud after you make the purchase. Don’t rely solely on diagnostic tools to detect mileage correction.

Don’t worry – you don’t have to be an expert to figure out whether the odometer has been rolled back or not. There are a couple of “red flags” that you should watch out for. You need to know where to look.

1. Examine the condition of the car

Why do we pay attention to the mileage in the first place? It’s because it gives us an idea about the condition of the vehicle. But it’s not the only part that can have that information. The longer you own the car, the higher the mileage will be. Therefore, the wear and tear of its components will be more noticeable. Even though you can make your car last longer with proper car care, you’ll have a hard time preventing unavoidable wear and tear.

Examine the exterior for serious damage, then look at the interior (seatbelt, steering wheel, the chairs). If you see the signs of prolonged usage but the odometer displays lower mileage, bingo, you’ve discovered odometer fraud.

2. Conduct a minor research

Even though the abovementioned method can be quite useful, it’s not exactly bulletproof. Some people take really good care of their cars, making it difficult to follow the steps we just described. If I were you, I would certainly conduct a small research and get as much data as possible.

To do so, you can request MOT certificates and service documents and compare the mileage readings. You can also check the original mileage by reaching out to previous owners. You could use professional services and get a history check, as well. That way, you’ll know for sure what you’re dealing with.

3. Test your car frequently

Another way to verify the mileage of the vehicle is to test it frequently with an advanced tool, such as the kilometer stopper. You can connect it directly to the vehicle and use it whenever needed. It will prevent your car from accumulating unwanted miles in a controlled environment. However, it’s important to buy a premium-quality mileage blocker to make sure you don’t end up with yet another fraudulent/unusable device. We produce products from premium quality components that guarantee the satisfaction of our loyal costomers. 


As we have seen, it’s not that difficult to learn how to check the mileage on a car. You could be interested in this information for personal reasons. You might be willing to know the real mileage of the vehicle you want to buy. Either way, the steps we discussed above will help you in that process. They might seem overwhelming, but from my personal experience, you’ll be able to find all the needed information online. If you don’t know how to find car mileage, you might become an easy target for deception. Do your research, consider the tips and tricks I just told you about and you’ll be able to purchase the perfect car for your needs. Good luck, fella.

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